So a few months back, my first try of something healthy was at my nail salon. Yes, you read it right. My nail salon.
It was their (4 year, maybe) anniversary of being open, so they had catering. These delicious hamburgers, little pastries, and spinach turkey wraps.
Now, I was kinda nervous when I picked up one of these turkey wraps. There are a lot of things (aka condiments) I don't like. Which ones? All of them. So, when I popped it in my mouth, I was a bit scared. To my surprise, there were some crunchy vegetables and turkey rolled up in there. Nothing more. I couldn't really taste the vegetables. They were mostly just snuck in there for crunchy texture, but maaaaaaan I loved it. I even got my equally as unhealthy sister to try it out too. She also loved it.
So when we got home, we tried to convince our mother to buy us wrap making food materials. After a lot of nagging and reminding, we finally got what we asked!
The first wrap making test try was the night before a beach trip. I made a tester for my younger brother (who is opposite of my sister and I and will eat ANYTHING) and he gave me the thumbs up. So I made some for our beach trip the next morning.
(This is where I would have normally
stuck in my first attempt picture, but I apparently deleted it off my phone.) D:
They were a hit. I shared them with some of the people we met up with at the beach. They all gave me the thumbs up.
So tonight was my second attempt. I chopped up some carrots, some cucumber, little bit of onions, spread out some turkey and then added cheese to stick it together. This time, I thought it would be super good to "grill" them, aka put them on the stove.
(Sorry about the terrible photo!)
Success! Omg, the crunchy outside was aweeesome, man.
I'm not diggin' the cucumber too much though. I might have to start experimenting with my vegetables. Overall, loved it.